Kamis, 02 Juli 2009


The fishery for lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) in the Bali Strait is one of the main small pelagic fisheries in Indonesia. This fishery is very specific as it exploits a single species and it is concentrated in a relatively narrow area. Fishing has been largely conducted by fishermen from the Bali Province and Muncar (East Java Province).
Fishermen from both sides of the Strait have benefited from the development of lemuru fishery. Over time the number of fishermen has increased and fishing technology has improved. Following the adoption of fishing by purse seine in 1974 the catch increased rapidly, which has resulted in an increase in the number of processing units. Canning factories were built in the coastal area of Bali Province and of Muncar District of the East Java Province. Similar development also took place as regards the increase in construction of fishmeal processing units on both sides of the strait.
Various studies have been conducted in this fishery. Several studies on resources,
oceanography, post harvest and socio-economic aspects have been carried out by the staff of RIMF and also some students from various Universities in Java and Bali. The fishery also attracted foreign interest as early as the 1970s when a student from the University of Hawaii completed his MSc thesis based on his research on the population biology of lemuru in the Bali Strait in 1973. In a later year, some staff of Brawidjaya University, in cooperation with the staff of the Wageningen University in Holland, also conducted research on the socio-economic aspects of fishermen in the Bali Strait.
The dynamic nature of small pelagic resources such as lemuru has resulted in the fluctuation of catch and thus the supply of raw material for the processing industry. The rapid increase in the number of fishing boats has also caused great concern re its impact on the resources. In response to these concerns on the situation of the fishery, the central Government (represented by the Directorate General of Fisheries) and the Provincial Governments bordering the Bali Strait (represented by the Provincial Fisheries Office of East Java and of Bali) held several workshops to address fisheries problems. These initiatives led to a greater effort in the management of the fishery under the responsibility of the two Provincial Governments. The joint agreement in 1977 stipulated allocation of fishing for the two provinces. Gradually, the subsequent development in the fisheries has led to the two provincial governments revising management measures to meet the continued challenge faced by the fisheries. In particular, the rapid development of the fisheries has not been accompanied by comparable effort in their management. Monitoring of the fishery has been weak, let alone the enforcement of the law as
stipulated in the joint management. This review study is aimed at helping readers to address the right questions in the current stage of fisheries, a major step in developing a management plan for the fisheries.

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